So, you’ve decided to move on. You’ve signed on the dotted line at your new gig, and now all that’s standing in between you and your fab new job is submitting your resignation letter to your current one.


While this isn’t the first step of quitting your job (that would be sitting down with your boss to give two weeks’ notice—read more on having that “I quit” conversation), it’s an important one. The official document you submit to your higher-ups and HR will set the tone for the rest of your time at this job—as well as your relationship moving forward. So it’s worth spending a little time making this two weeks’ notice letter solid and polished.

To help you out, here’s a step-by-step resignation letter template to use.


The Basics of a Resignation Letter

There’s no need to sugarcoat or get creative in the beginning; just state the position you’re resigning from and the effective date. While you probably shared with your boss your reasons for leaving, you don’t need to describe them here—keeping it simple is perfectly fine.(No need to, um, create an “I quit” video.)

Dear [Your Boss’ Name],

Please accept this letter as formal notification that I am resigning from my position as [position title] with [Company Name]. My last day will be [your last day—usually two weeks from the date you give notice].


The Thank You

Next, it’s always a good idea to thank your employer for the opportunity, describing some of the key things you’ve enjoyed and learned on the job. And yes, this is true even if you’re thrilled to be leaving. Remember—you may need these people for a reference down the line, and leaving things on a good note will leave a lasting (positive) impression.

Thank you so much for the opportunity to work in this position for the past [amount of time you’ve been in the role]. I’ve greatly enjoyed and appreciated the opportunities I’ve had to [a few of your favorite job responsibilities], and I’ve learned [a few specific things you’ve learned on the job], all of which I will take with me throughout my career.


The Hand-off

Finally, state your willingness to help out with the transition. You don’t need to go into great detail (and definitely don’t promise anything you can’t deliver), but a couple of lines stating that you’ll ensure a smooth wrap-up of your duties will show that you’re in the game until the very end.

During my last two weeks, I’ll do everything possible to wrap up my duties and train other team members. Please let me know if there’s anything else I can do to aid during the transition.

I wish the company continued success, and I hope to stay in touch in the future.


[Your Name]


Example Resignation Letters

Want to put this all together and see what it looks like in practice? We’ve written a couple letter of resignation samples for you to work off of.

Sir / Madam,

Please accept this letter as formal notice of my resignation as Your Designation from Name of Current Company .

It has been a pleasure working with you and Mr. ________ over One / Two / Five Years. I would also like to thank Mr. _____________ for his guidance during my tenure in the company.

Last but not least to thank to all my colleagues of Company Name to support for their cooperation during my journey with this esteemed Organisation.

I wish you as well as all the staff all the best and hope to make this company to be a leader in Automobile / Oil / Steel Industry.

As discussed with you, please consider my notice period from today onwards.

Thanks & Regards,
Name | Designation| Cell No
Residence Address

Respected Sir,

This refers to the discussion held dated ___________ would humbly request to release me from Company Name at the earliest, as I feel that I have wholeheartedly worked for the assignments, and cannot leave open ended I am ready to serve the notice period for two months as per your instructions. I am very thankful for all the help & support you have given me from time to time. It was a great & enriching experience working for the said assignment.

Submitted for your kind approval please.

Name of the candidate

Date: ___________

To _____________

Mr. ____________,

Head Department,


Dear Sir / Madam,

You are requested to consider this letter as notice of my resignation from the post of Designation at Company’s Name, effective from today due some personal reason.

During my transit period I can handover all my responsibilities to any one in my department you deem it appropriate.

I would like to thank you for your support, guidance and advice during my tenure with this esteemed organization.

I wish the management and the company all the best for the future endeavor.

With kind regards,
Name of the resigned employee

Date: ___________

To _____________

Mr. ____________,

Head Department,


Dear Mr. ___________,

Please accept my resignation from the post of Designation at Company’s Name, effective from today due some personal reason.

During my transit period I can handover all my responsibilities to any one in my department you deem it appropriate.

I would like to appreciate the opportunity, growth and recognition given to me during my association with the company.

I would like to thank you for your support, guidance and advice during my tenure with this esteemed organization.

Please let me know if I can able to help you during my transit period.

I wish the company and all its employees shall reach to the expected ladder of the Goal.

Yours truly,
Name of the resigned employee

Date: ___________

To _____________

Mr. ____________,

Head Department,


Subject: Letter of resignation for the service of company___________ from ____________.

Dear Sir / Madam,

This is letter of communication shall consider as my formal notice of resignation from the services of the company__________ as designation_____________ from today and my last working day will be ______________.

This was not an easy decision for me, after lot of discussion with family and friends I have concluded that I shall move for forward for more challenging and better prospect in another company. I appreciate to all my colleagues and my boss for the immense support during my tenure in the company. I am thankful for the rich professional experience, training and knowledge got during my tenure during my association with the organization.

Request to convey who I have to handover my charges.

I would like to thank you for your support, guidance and advice during my tenure with this esteemed organization.

Thanks & regards,
Name of the employee

Date: ___________


Mr./Mrs. ____________,

Head ____________,

Company ____________,


Subject: Letter of resignation for the service of company___________ from ____________.

Dear Sir / Madam,

This is letter of communication shall consider as my formal notice of resignation from the services of the company__________ as designation_____________ from today and my last working day will be ______________.

Thank you very much for the opportunity to work in this company for a long tenure. I have enjoyed a lot and appreciate for the support from my seniors and all the colleagues. I am thankful for the rich experience got from this company. The knowledge and skills will certainly help throughout my professional career.

Request to know how to wrap up my duties and train other team members over few weeks. Please let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help during my transition in the organisation.

I wish the company and all the employees continued success and all the best for the future endeavour.

With the best regards,
Name of the employee

Date: ___________


Mr./Mrs. ____________,

Head ____________,

Company ____________,


Subject: Resignation from the services of the organization.

Dear Sir / Madam,

It is with great regret offering my resignation from my position as ___________, at (Name of Company) __________, effective from today and my last date of working will be __________.

I would like to reunion with my family who are staying at my home town. It would be appreciated if you would provide me with a written reference to assist me in my transition.

I am prepared to assist my replacement, train and handover my responsibilities before my leaving to my home town.

I would like to thank all my team, colleagues and my seniors for their support and cooperation during my tenure in the organization.

Your Sincerely,
(Name of the employee)

Date: ___________


Mr./Mrs. ____________,

Head ____________,

Company ____________,


Subject: Resignation from the services of the organization.

Dear Sir / Madam,

It is with great regret offering my resignation from my position as ___________, at (Name of Company) __________, effective from today and my last date of working will be __________.

I would like to reunion with my family who are staying at my home town. It would be appreciated if you would provide me with a written reference to assist me in my transition.

I am prepared to assist my replacement, train and handover my responsibilities before my leaving to my home town.

I would like to thank all my team, colleagues and my seniors for their support and cooperation during my tenure in the organization.

Your Sincerely,
(Name of the employee)

Obviously, feel free to adjust this a bit based on your experience and your company culture, then submit it via the typical procedures at your company.

Sure, it may sit in the depths of HR until the end of time, but you can be sure of two things: One, your former boss (and future reference) will read it and be impressed. And two, if you ever decide to come back to your company (hey, it happens), it’s a very good thing that last thing on file is a great, professionally written letter of resignation.